Selasa, 18 Maret 2014



My experience during this accomplishment I get when I sit on the bench Vocational High School. At that time I was in the good fortune to be representative by my school along with my other 2 friends to represent my school in an Olympic event accounting at a private university in Bogor . When it does not haunt me in the slightest by that of many other outstanding students I and 2 of my friends is chosen to be representative of our school . I was at the time majored in Accounting at my school and my accomplishments in school always gets the best .

I know when to be representative for a prestigious event at a private university in Bogor what a feeling so happy and proud . Not only that I am well aware there is a great responsibility that is given to me to bring the good name of the school in the eyes of other schools . I was given one week to learn all about accounting . At that time I was known to be superior in understanding the theory of accounting so the division of  tasks between me and 2 other friends I 've been very clear .I understand the theory in section covers all the general and special theories of accounting then my other 2 friends are counting and making and preparing accounting transaction flow of the process .

When the race begins our team really tried hard to give the best results . At that time all the questions we had learned before it all turns out to be about the race that we face . But there are some obstacles that we face is the issue of financial reports with so many transactions that already exist in the company's complex in a very short time . Constraints that's what makes us a little bit pessimistic . But we remain excited solve all the problems that exist up to completion in accordance with a predetermined time .

When it arrives at the announcement of the winner read out and we are very curious about its outcomes. One by one the schools that do not qualify for the next round is announced . We began to look forward and pray that our schools do not fall into categories that do not qualify for it and it happened, our school and passed into the next round . Once we know our results given her more time to study the matter further and we were only given 3 days . Within 3 days that we really take advantage of the time as well as possible . The three of us to find time together to learn and understand each other more. Doing strategies for strategies to be able to perform better to reach the final and won first prize . Especially we learn to use the best possible time to be able to solve all the existing problems . Her moment arrived for us to fight again and this is our last chance to try because we are in the end of the race that will determine the end of each business and our struggle and prove our knowledge that has been obtained by us either by himself or through a variety of teaching school . At that time we can solve all the problems have been given by either the time has been set , and its final end result was announced . When the announcement finally arrived our group expressed gained the rank 2 of each existing school . At that time we were really very happy this is an award that is quite satisfactory for our team but it may not be the first but the achievement in position 2 has been very encouraging. Because this is a result of our every effort and achievement for more than 1 week old .

Finally we can return to our school by bringing a proud victory . Not only of what we strive for this by not tired of learning but the role of every teacher who has been dedicated to teaching us it is the cornerstone of our success at that time . We are well aware without the services of a teacher we did not so anything . It will be an experience that is so valuable to us . Be a stepping stone to something better and bigger. This is the beginning of every lesson that we get in school . One thing I can take from my experience it is still doing the best , remain faithful in every part that is entrusted to us and never worrying about his problems because the results are just the end result of every process that we go through , but the process will determine what results we will get.

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